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Diététique chinoise Diététique chinoise Isabelle Laading Nombre de pages : 352
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-159-3
24.90 €
Energetic Dietetics and Chinese Medicine Energetic Dietetics and Chinese Medicine Dr. J.M. Eyssalet, Dr. G. Guillaume Dr. Mach-Chieu Part one – Notion of aliments, elements of Chinese physiology and preventative treatment of predispositions. Part two – Therapeutic aspects The art of dietetics, similar to acupuncture, represents a fundamental approach of Chinese thought (...) Nombre de pages : 520
Format : 17 X 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-82-4
39.50 €
Manual of nutrition for the athletes Manual of nutrition for the athletes Corinne Dejean Each sport has its nutritional needs ! This is the underlying idea of Corinne Dejean's work that expains why there are specific nutritional needs for each sport and how to obtain them. Through her rich experience as a dietetician, Corinne (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 17 x 24 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-16-3
20.00 €
Overweight and obesity, Overweight and obesity,   Today, overweight and obesity are linked to a real health disaster and those concerned, stigmatized by their appearances, often fall prey to vendors of illusions.   In a context of excessive media coverage and advertising, Renaud Roussel has (...) Nombre de pages : 256
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-33-0
19.00 €