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A very special relativitySander BaisThe theory of special relativity, initially published by Einstein in 1905, radically changed our understanding of the world. Familiar notions of space, time, and energy were turned upside down, and the struggle with the unintuitive (...)
Nombre de pages : 120 ISBN : 978-2-915418-31-6 29.50 €
A world of tattoosAn illustrated history of tattoos throughout the world.
Nombre de pages : 288 Format : 24 x 28 cm cm ISBN : 978-2-915418-17-0 29.00 €
Abdos sans risque - Nouvelle éditionBlandine Calais-Germain
Nombre de pages : 160 Format : 18 x 28 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-180-7 25.00 €
Active, global stretchingPh. E. SouchardActive, global stretching owes its beginnings to global postural re-education, a physical therapy method still considered revolutionary today.
If stretching was adopted upon its onset by the athletic world in the US, in France the benefits (...)
Nombre de pages : 96 ISBN : 978-2-907653-38-1 17.00 €
An herbalistPatrice De BonnevalNew edition.52-page herbal in colorHerbal trade was born with man. Faced with illness, throughout the ages and the world, man has always turned first toward the plants in his vicinity for help. To this age-old experience, we owe a debt, which (...)
Nombre de pages : 448 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-915418-03-3 35.00 €
Analgesics by acupunctureMichel Deydier-BastideDr. Francois Pithon (Ophthalmologist) grafted a cornea at the Ferney-Voltaire Ophthalmologic Medical Centre in France on February 27, 1997, following an acupuncture-induced-analgesic given by the author of this book. This book's goal is to (...)
Nombre de pages : 80 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-47-3 15.24 €
Anatomie pour la voix - Nouvelle éditionBlandine Calais-Germain François Germain
Nombre de pages : 296 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-183-8 35.00 €
Anatomie pour le mouvementBlandine Calais-Germain
~~Cet ouvrage analyse les mouvements les plus courants rencontrés dans toutes les techniques corporelles et présente un répertoire d'exercices.
Les mouvements et les exercices proposés ont été choisis à partir du point de vue de l'anatomie (...)
Nombre de pages : 304 Format : 17 x24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-087-9 29.50 €
Anatomie pour le mouvement - Volume 1 - Nouvelle éditionBlandine Calais-Germain François Germain
Nombre de pages : 304 Format : 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-225-5 35.00 €
Anatomie pour le yogaBlandine Calais-Germain
Dans le yoga, de posture en posture, les muscles guident les os, maintiennent les articulations, protègent les nerfs, suspendent ou soulèvent les parties du corps... Leurs rôles sont très variés.
Pour cela, il faut qu'ils soient, tour à (...)
Nombre de pages : 224 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-153-1 24.50 €
Anatomy of breathingBlandine Calais-Germain
There are at least a hundred ways to
breathe... and even more...
Why are some ways of breathing active while others are passive? How
can apnea be at the same time a period of rest and one of intense
Breathing is an extremely (...)
Nombre de pages : 224 Format : 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-98-5 29.00 €
Anatomy of movement - Vol. 1Blandine Calais-GermainIn the past few years, we have become increasing aware of our bodies and of how they work and move. ANATOMY is no longer a subject reserved for specialists alone, rather, all who regularly practice a sport or do other bodywork can also benefit (...)
Nombre de pages : 304 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-01-5 29.50 €
Aquajogging, aquamoving, aquarunningJean-Michel LamarqueJean-Michel Lamarque is a sports instructor, specialising in water activities and other body building activities. For several years now he has also specialised in physical preparation in an aquatic environment. He co-authored a book about (...)
Nombre de pages : 128 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-66-4 16.01 €
Aquatic gymnasticsJean-Michel Lamarque Franck OstermeyerPreface by Lewis C. Thorne, President of Excel Sports Science, Inc.
Foreword by Dr. Denis Laurent, National Sports Institute Doctor, in charge of the French Women's gymnastic team.
Jean-Michel Lamarque and Franck Ostermeyer are both sports (...)
Nombre de pages : 112 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-26-8 13.72 €
Atelier corps et mémoireJanick Masse-Biron
Nombre de pages : 128 ISBN : 978-2-36403-056-5 19.50 €
Atlas of Human Anatomy Vigué-MartinThe Atlas of Human Anatomy offers a systemized view of the human body.
Each chapter is at the same time a synthesis and a detailed de-scription of the organs and physiologic systems. The wealth and the quality of the illustrations, as well as (...)
Nombre de pages : 160 Format : 24 x 32 broché cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-94-7 26.50 €
Ballet dancingGilbert SerresThis game book with questions on ballet dancing, at the same
time addresses ballet teachers, dance school students, as well as
ballet enthusiasts: to the former, it provides essential
information that will complement their dancing, while (...)
Nombre de pages : 104 Format : 21 x 29 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-92-3 14.50 €
Beauty and well-beingJacques BassotDoctor Bassot is a surgeon, the Honorary President of the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, President of the National Union of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Surgeons, Founding President of the European Federation of National Societies of (...)
Nombre de pages : 208 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-49-7 21.04 €
Between Time and Eternity : The Holy ScripturesClaude MartingayBorn December 30, 1920 in Geneva, Claude Martingay worked as a bookseller and founded Ad Solem Editions in 1969, the goal of which was to publish people - writing of spiritual experiences - who had difficulty getting published by the religious (...)
Nombre de pages : 64 Format : 1 vol. 14/22 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-56-5 8.84 €
Bible bestiaryJean-Pierre Durand Jean-François FrogerJean-François Froger is an anthropologist and an exegete. Jean-Pierre Durand has a Doctorate in Biology. Why this Bible bestiary? Because of a completely new view on symbolism. In the same way that the Bible recounts how Noah saved all the (...)
Nombre de pages : 574 Format : 1 vol. 19/27 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-22-0 29.00 €
Bikes for everyoneJean Le Bivic Jean-Michel RichefortAt the same time a sport and a leisure activity, bicycles can be ridden in a thousand different manners: on a pleasant family outing, with other cyclist friends, or on a several day trip.
A "passion sport," the bicycle is accessible to all, (...)
Nombre de pages : 160 Format : 19 x 27cm cm ISBN : 978-2-915418-29-3 25.00 €
BudoKenji TokitsuAll martial arts techniques are originally meant to injure the adversary. How can contemporary use of it have another and different social meaning? For several centuries, Japanese martial arts have experimented with the possibility of (...)
Nombre de pages : 116 Format : 1 vol. 14/22 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-68-8 15.00 €
Ces formules qui en savent plus que nousJean Perdijon
Nombre de pages : 144 Format : 17 x 19 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-057-2 19.50 €
Corriger la posture et les instabilités articulairesFrédéric Brigaud
Nombre de pages : 272 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-162-3 29.50 €
Corriger le piedFrédéric Brigaud
Nombre de pages : 240 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-165-4 28.50 €
Course à piedFrédéric Brigaud
Nombre de pages : 176 ISBN : 978-2-36403-054-1 29.50 €
Cross-country skiing, pleasure and performanceHervé Balland Guillaume MilletGuillaume Millet is a Senior University lecturer in Sport Sciences and is a ski instructor. He wrote a thesis on physiology and the biomechanics of cross-country skiing and is also a contributor to scientific journals, technical reviews and (...)
Nombre de pages : 264 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-55-8 25.00 €
De Chamonix à BeijingEric Monnin
Nombre de pages : 272 Format : 20 x 27 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-193-7 19.50 €
Dictionnaire étymologique des noms des Îles de FranceClaude Gantet
Nombre de pages : 160 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-213-2 19.50 €
Diététique chinoiseIsabelle Laading
Nombre de pages : 352 Format : 17 x 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-159-3 24.90 €
Energetic Dietetics and Chinese MedicineDr. J.M. Eyssalet, Dr. G. Guillaume Dr. Mach-ChieuPart one Notion of aliments, elements of Chinese physiology and preventative treatment of predispositions.
Part two Therapeutic aspects
The art of dietetics, similar to acupuncture, represents a fundamental approach of Chinese thought (...)
Nombre de pages : 520 Format : 17 X 24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-82-4 39.50 €
Envie de chanter ?Marie-Laure Potel
Nombre de pages : 128 Format : 14 x 22 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-203-3 10.00 €
ePub : La signification des rites
Nombre de pages : 232 ISBN : 978-2-907653-15-6 11.99 €
ePub : Les apocalypses et la fin des temps
Nombre de pages : 288 ISBN : 978-2-907653-17-2 11.99 €
ePub : Les lieux sacrés
ISBN : 978-2-907653-14-8 11.99 €
ePub : Les songes et les rêves
Nombre de pages : 224 ISBN : 978-2-907653-12-1 11.99 €
Étude biaiséeAlexis Clapin
Nombre de pages : 264 Format : 14 x 22 cm ISBN : 978-2-36403-156-2 14.50 €
From muscular perfection to athletic performancePh. E. SouchardWe must work on our muscles! Why? Do you know what the muscles really do and the reason they become stiff? What measures we can take to correct incorrect posture, when our joints hurt? How we can keep from hurting ourselves when the (...)
Nombre de pages : 128 Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm ISBN : 978-2-907653-19-0 19.06 €
From silence to the spoken wordRobert MiquelWe live in a world of sound and yet know so little about it! In which mysterious sound does our spoken word originate? Why is a vowel spoken and recognized no matter who utters it? Beyond being informative in acoustics, From Silence to the (...)
Nombre de pages : 240 ISBN : 978-2-907653-77-0 14.50 €
Fundamental physics equationsSander BaisFor thousands of years, humanity has sought to understand nature. By exploring the world on all levels with the help of more and more complex instruments, we have succeeded in shining light on some of the great mysteries that surround us. (...)
Nombre de pages : 96 Format : 17 x 19 cm ISBN : 978-2-915418-14-9 19.00 €