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70 Recipes for Athletes 70 Recipes for Athletes Corinne Dejean Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré, author of many cook books, and Corinne Dejean, a dietician specializing in sports nutrition, have combined their talents here to give us a book for athletes that is above all, practical to use. 70 Recipes for Athletes (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 22 x 15 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-54-1
13.90 €
70 recipes for little tykes from 18 to 36 months 70 recipes for little tykes from 18 to 36 months Valérie Gaudant From 18 to 36 months: Baby is beginning to speak and especially to become more autonomous.  Eating, and dressing without help are the two most important developments acquired during this age range.  But it is also between 18 and 36 months that (...) Nombre de pages : 80
ISBN : 978-2-911328-48-0
13.90 €
70 recipes for little tykes from 6 to 18 months 70 recipes for little tykes from 6 to 18 months Valérie Gaudant A precious meal-planning tool for young mothers! Baby is 6 months old and the time has come for the little tyke to eat a more varied diet.  Up until now, mother's milk, or new-born formula has fulfilled baby's dietary needs. Presented (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 15 x 22cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-40-4
15.00 €
70 Recipes for People with Food Allergies 70 Recipes for People with Food Allergies Florence Bourquard   With these 70 Recipes for People with Food Allergies, people on special diets can now rejoin the tasty ranks and eat gratins, pizzas, one meal dishes, and cakes that have been customarily out of reach...  People with food allergies can now (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 15x22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-61-9
15.00 €
70 recipes for staying in shape 70 recipes for staying in shape Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Eating healthily without eating boringly is possible!  Do you get a bit lost when it comes to calories, vitamins, minerals, omega-3s and antioxidants?  Then this book is for you! Beatrice Vigot-Lagandre, culinary journalist and author of (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 15 x 22cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-35-0
13.90 €
A l'écoute de saint Bernard A l'écoute de saint Bernard Frère Étienne Goutagny Nombre de pages : 224
ISBN : 978-2-914338-35-6
25.00 €
A life devoted to typography A life devoted to typography Adrian Frutiger Adrian Frutiger tells us about the formative years of his life. His childhood in the midst of his family around Interlaken. The natural environment may have been splendid, but life was economically difficult. At a little Interlaken printing (...) Nombre de pages : 128 quadrichromie
Format : 21 x 29,7 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-11-1
39.50 €
A new anthropology of gesture / 1 A new anthropology of gesture / 1 Urbain Marquet Urbain Marquet is a philosopher of gesture. His philosophy is rooted in long years of study.  It was his contact with children and his observation and contemplation of their needs that led the philosopher to leave anthropology for metaphysical (...) Nombre de pages : 608
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-15-8
39.50 €
A new anthropology of gesture / 2 A new anthropology of gesture / 2 Urbain Marquet Urbain Marquet is a philosopher of gesture. His philosophy is rooted in long years of study.  It was his contact with children and his observation and contemplation of their needs that led the philosopher to leave anthropology for metaphysical (...) Nombre de pages : 600
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-16-5
39.50 €
A Typographic History A Typographic History    Abundantly illustrated, this Typographic History proposes, in two volumes, to widely diffuse typographical culture. Here we learn, through text and image, the main milestones that led, in time, to the development of western typography, of (...) Nombre de pages : 400
Format : 21 x 30 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-13-5
50.00 €
A very special relativity A very special relativity Sander Bais The theory of special relativity, initially published by Einstein in 1905, radically changed our understanding of the world.  Familiar notions of space, time, and energy were turned upside down, and the struggle with the unintuitive (...) Nombre de pages : 120
ISBN : 978-2-915418-31-6
29.50 €
A world of tattoos A world of tattoos   An illustrated history of tattoos throughout the world. Nombre de pages : 288
Format : 24 x 28 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-17-0
29.00 €
Abdos sans risque - Nouvelle édition Abdos sans risque - Nouvelle édition Blandine Calais-Germain Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 18 x 28 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-180-7
25.00 €
Abécédaire des mots de la fin Abécédaire des mots de la fin Seyhan Argun, Hugo Blanchet Juliette Cazes Nombre de pages : 256
ISBN : 978-2-36765-037-1
25.00 €
Abécédaire illustré des mots voyageurs Abécédaire illustré des mots voyageurs Hugo Blanchet Anouck Ferri L’idée de cet ouvrage est née de l’activité de vulgarisation de l’auteur, docteur en linguistique ancienne, sur les réseaux sociaux : Hugo Blanchet y a en effet constaté aussi bien l’intérêt que le public peut porter aux origines des mots (...) Nombre de pages : 208
Format : 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36765-028-9
19.90 €
Active, global stretching Active, global stretching Ph. E. Souchard Active, global stretching owes its beginnings to global postural re-education, a physical therapy method still considered revolutionary today. If stretching was adopted upon its onset by the athletic world in the US, in France the benefits (...) Nombre de pages : 96
ISBN : 978-2-907653-38-1
17.00 €
Adieu, Sunday! Adieu, Sunday! Hélène Bodenez Endangered by the proposition of the Mallié law, Sundays are dying in France. This book launches a call to Christians to resist. The religious argument has not really been developed enough in a debate that is essentially political and social. (...) Nombre de pages : 64
ISBN : 978-2-914338-29-5
7.50 €
Agrumes, je vous aimes... Agrumes, je vous aimes... Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Nombre de pages : 72
ISBN : 978-2-36402-032-0
10.00 €
Algeria Algeria   Algeria remains a less well-known country despite the immensity of its natural, cultural and archeological wealth. Traveling in Algeria means discovering surprisingly diverse landscapes – luxurious oases and valleys of infinite dessert species (...) Nombre de pages : 208
Format : 12x22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-25-1
25.00 €
An herbalist An herbalist Patrice De Bonneval New edition.52-page herbal in colorHerbal trade was born with man. Faced with illness, throughout the ages and the world, man has always turned first toward the plants in his vicinity for help. To this age-old experience, we owe a debt, which (...) Nombre de pages : 448
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-03-3
35.00 €
Analgesics by acupuncture Analgesics by acupuncture Michel Deydier-Bastide Dr. Francois Pithon (Ophthalmologist) grafted a cornea at the Ferney-Voltaire Ophthalmologic Medical Centre in France on February 27, 1997, following an acupuncture-induced-analgesic given by the author of this book. This book's goal is to (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-47-3
15.24 €
Anatomie pour la voix - Nouvelle édition Anatomie pour la voix - Nouvelle édition Blandine Calais-Germain François Germain Nombre de pages : 296
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-183-8
35.00 €
Anatomie pour le mouvement Anatomie pour le mouvement Blandine Calais-Germain ~~Cet ouvrage analyse les mouvements les plus courants rencontrés dans toutes les techniques corporelles et présente un répertoire d'exercices. Les mouvements et les exercices proposés ont été choisis à partir du point de vue de l'anatomie (...) Nombre de pages : 304
Format : 17 x24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-087-9
29.50 €
Anatomie pour le mouvement - Volume 1 - Nouvelle édition Anatomie pour le mouvement - Volume 1 - Nouvelle édition Blandine Calais-Germain François Germain Nombre de pages : 304
Format : 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-225-5
35.00 €
Anatomie pour le yoga Anatomie pour le yoga Blandine Calais-Germain Dans le yoga, de posture en posture, les muscles guident les os, maintiennent les articulations, protègent les nerfs, suspendent ou soulèvent les parties du corps... Leurs rôles sont très variés. Pour cela, il faut qu'ils soient, tour à (...) Nombre de pages : 224
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-153-1
24.50 €
Anatomy of breathing Anatomy of breathing Blandine Calais-Germain There are at least a hundred ways to breathe... and even more... Why are some ways of breathing active while others are passive? How can apnea be at the same time a period of rest and one of intense activity? Breathing is an extremely (...) Nombre de pages : 224
Format : 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-98-5
29.00 €
Anatomy of movement - Vol. 1 Anatomy of movement - Vol. 1 Blandine Calais-Germain In the past few years, we have become increasing aware of our bodies and of how they work and move. ANATOMY is no longer a subject reserved for specialists alone, rather, all who regularly practice a sport or do other bodywork can also benefit (...) Nombre de pages : 304
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-01-5
29.50 €
Apple and pears, how I love you... Apple and pears, how I love you... Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré You have all tasted baked apples and chocolate-covered pears, but have you ever tried slipping slivers of pear into a potato gratin or served a fish filet with fried apple quarters? From first course to dessert, classical recipes turn salads (...) Nombre de pages : 72
Format : 14 x 22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-17-6
10.00 €
Aquajogging, aquamoving, aquarunning Aquajogging, aquamoving, aquarunning Jean-Michel Lamarque Jean-Michel Lamarque is a sports instructor, specialising in water activities and other body building activities. For several years now he has also specialised in physical preparation in an aquatic environment. He co-authored a book about (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-66-4
16.01 €
Aquatic gymnastics Aquatic gymnastics Jean-Michel Lamarque Franck Ostermeyer Preface by Lewis C. Thorne, President of Excel Sports Science, Inc. Foreword by Dr. Denis Laurent, National Sports Institute Doctor, in charge of the French Women's gymnastic team. Jean-Michel Lamarque and Franck Ostermeyer are both sports (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-26-8
13.72 €
Arabic icons Arabic icons   The icons shown in this exhibition (*) come from various Lebanese and Syrian collections and illustrate an accomplished, yet often misunderstood art. In fact, we are frequently unaware that Arabic icons exist, that is to say the product of a (...) Nombre de pages : 192
Format : 21/27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-05-9
40.00 €
Arabic icons, Middle Eastern mysteries Arabic icons, Middle Eastern mysteries Soeur Agnès-Mariam De la Croix Arab-Christian art fascinates people today because of its aesthetic values, but the events shaking our world today also cast a unique gleam on these works.  These works are proof that an ideal symbiosis existed between civilizations that (...) Nombre de pages : 224
Format : 24 x 30 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-09-7
55.00 €
Arabic writing Arabic writing   This book, abundantly illustrated with examples, very clearly presents the evolution of Arab writing styles, and particularly shines light on the importance of materials used; both media and instruments, as well as the difficulties that needed (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-23-4
25.00 €
Arbologie Arbologie Jean Laugier Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 12,80 x 19,00 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-81-3
12.00 €
Atelier corps et mémoire Atelier corps et mémoire Janick Masse-Biron Nombre de pages : 128
ISBN : 978-2-36403-056-5
19.50 €
Atlas of Human Anatomy Atlas of Human Anatomy Vigué-Martin The Atlas of Human Anatomy offers a systemized view of the human body.  Each chapter is at the same time a synthesis and a detailed de-scription of the organs and physiologic systems. The wealth and the quality of the illustrations, as well as (...) Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 24 x 32 broché cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-94-7
26.50 €
Aubergines, je vous aime… Aubergines, je vous aime… Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Nombre de pages : 72
Format : 14 x 22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36402-166-2
10.00 €
Aujourd'hui, je viens demeurer chez toi Aujourd'hui, je viens demeurer chez toi André Braunstedter Nombre de pages : 144
Format : 13 x 19 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36766-023-3
10.00 €
Ballet dancing Ballet dancing Gilbert Serres This game book with questions on ballet dancing, at the same time addresses ballet teachers, dance school students, as well as ballet enthusiasts: to the former, it provides essential information that will complement their dancing, while (...) Nombre de pages : 104
Format : 21 x 29 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-92-3
14.50 €
Beauty and well-being Beauty and well-being Jacques Bassot Doctor Bassot is a surgeon, the Honorary President of the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, President of the National Union of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Surgeons, Founding President of the European Federation of National Societies of (...) Nombre de pages : 208
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-49-7
21.04 €
