Moteur de recherches Perrousseaux

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The power of the letter The power of the letter Ladislas Mandel The path from the thought to the spoken word to the written word is long and bumpy. In the beginning, the written word, a privilege of power and an instrument of the government, spread and became the ideal means for exchanging knowledge and (...) Nombre de pages : 228 pages
Format : 22 x 22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-10-4
29.50 €
A life devoted to typography A life devoted to typography Adrian Frutiger Adrian Frutiger tells us about the formative years of his life. His childhood in the midst of his family around Interlaken. The natural environment may have been splendid, but life was economically difficult. At a little Interlaken printing (...) Nombre de pages : 128 quadrichromie
Format : 21 x 29,7 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-11-1
39.50 €
Fish, oh how I love you… Fish, oh how I love you… Olivier Gaudant, Mireille Gayet Aude Mairey Hake, haddock, ling, rocklings, what exactly are these filleted fish? Is the fish called “Pollack” in Brittany, the same as the one we find in Provence? The fish merchant’s vast array of salt water, fresh water, wild and farmed fish (...) Nombre de pages : 72
Format : 14x22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-10-7
10.00 €
Ballet dancing Ballet dancing Gilbert Serres This game book with questions on ballet dancing, at the same time addresses ballet teachers, dance school students, as well as ballet enthusiasts: to the former, it provides essential information that will complement their dancing, while (...) Nombre de pages : 104
Format : 21 x 29 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-92-3
14.50 €
Choosing the right font (advanced class) Choosing the right font (advanced class) Gérard Blanchard This rather dense work is devoted to the history of typography. Its goal is to highlight the extreme diversity of forms of writing available on the market. Lettering and its use throughout time have been influenced by socio-cultural (...) Nombre de pages : 232 pages
Format : 16 x 23 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-02-9
25.00 €
Printing and page layout Printing and page layout   This is the complement of the Basic Typography Manual and, like it, an educational tool. It is written for people who must produce leaflets, brochures, newsletters or even books and who have not yet mastered the necessary layout skills. (...) Nombre de pages : 160 pages 2 couleurs
Format : 16 x 23 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-01-2
30.50 €
e-Book: Printing and page layout e-Book: Printing and page layout   This is the complement of the Basic Typography Manual and, like it, an educational tool. It is written for people who must produce leaflets, brochures, newsletters or even books and who have not yet mastered the necessary layout skills. It is (...) Nombre de pages : 160 pages 2 couleurs
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-46-3
20.49 €
Shiatsu - The way of balance Shiatsu - The way of balance Isabelle Laading Originally Japanese but founded on principles of Chinese Medicine, shiatsu is a method for regulating the flow of energy by applying pressure from the thumbs all along the acupuncture meridians and on other specific points. Shiatsu respects all (...) Nombre de pages : 224
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-55-2
17.99 €
Your beauty in questions Your beauty in questions Dounia Hocheimy Mireille Macalvat Mireille Macalvat is a beautician instructor and Dounia Hocheimy is a sociologist. This is a book written to serve the desire of women to be attractive and is a perfect bedside book. It answers precise questions, resolves concrete problems, (...) Nombre de pages : 172
Format : 1 vol. 27/27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-08-4
15.24 €
Arabic icons Arabic icons   The icons shown in this exhibition (*) come from various Lebanese and Syrian collections and illustrate an accomplished, yet often misunderstood art. In fact, we are frequently unaware that Arabic icons exist, that is to say the product of a (...) Nombre de pages : 192
Format : 21/27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-05-9
40.00 €
e-Book: Traditional Chinese massage e-Book: Traditional Chinese massage Michel Deydier-Bastide Traditional massage, one of Chinese medicine's therapeutic tools, is at the same time an independent discipline that can treat numerous ailments and afflictions. In this case, the term massage is a generic term used to mean a wide variety of (...) Nombre de pages : 320
Format : 24 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-60-6
13.99 €
e-Book: The feminine perineum and childbirth e-Book: The feminine perineum and childbirth Blandine Calais-Germain The feminine perineum, area of care and of questions, lives and reacts at all ages, at the centre of events throughout the life of women (in particular through sexuality, childbirth and postpartum.) This book offers women, through a conscious (...) Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 26 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-54-5
17.99 €