Moteur de recherches Perrousseaux

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Theology of the Word Theology of the Word   This second volume of the Sermons of Saint Bonaventure include the Christmastime sermons: Three sermons on the Nativity and three sermons on the Epiphany. The incarnation and the coming of Christ among men gives the Seraphic Doctor the perfect (...) Nombre de pages : 304
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-24-0
15.00 €
La gestion du stress La gestion du stress Eric Marlien À l'évidence, le stress est devenu la plus grande « épidémie » que le monde occidental ait connue ! Avec des effets parfois dramatiques sur les personnes stressées ou leur entourage. Après un exposé théorique clair et précis sur le stress (...) Nombre de pages : 96
Format : 24 x 17 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-94-1
9.49 €
Stress Management Stress Management Eric Marlien It is obvious that stress has become the greatest  “epidemic” that the Western world has ever known, with sometimes dramatic effects on stressed-out people or those in their surroundings.  After a clear and precise theoretical account of stress (...) Nombre de pages : 96
Format : 17 x 24 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-43-9
19.00 €
Algeria Algeria   Algeria remains a less well-known country despite the immensity of its natural, cultural and archeological wealth. Traveling in Algeria means discovering surprisingly diverse landscapes – luxurious oases and valleys of infinite dessert species (...) Nombre de pages : 208
Format : 12x22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-25-1
25.00 €
Papyrus Papyrus   L'une des inventions les plus remarquables de l'ancienne Égypte fut la fabrication d'un « papier » à partir de la plante de papyrus. Dès 3000 av. J.-C., des feuillets et des rouleaux en papyrus fournirent une surface d'écriture idéale pour (...) Nombre de pages : 132
Format : 23 x 16 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-56-2
12.99 €
E-book : Algeria E-book : Algeria   Algeria remains a less well-known country despite the immensity of its natural, cultural and archeological wealth. Traveling in Algeria means discovering surprisingly diverse landscapes – luxurious oases and valleys of infinite dessert species (...) Nombre de pages : 208
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-96-1
14.99 €
Little Treatise on Pasta Little Treatise on Pasta Pierre-Brice Lebrun Pierre-Brice Lebrun mercilessly interrogates legends that surround macaroni, cannelloni, farfalle, and other lasagna.  Did Marco Polo really bring these from China? Did the Italians invent tomato sauce? Is there really a magic tree in the town (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 14 x 22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-58-9
14.50 €
Papyrus Papyrus   One of the most remarkable inventions of ancient Egypt was making a "paper" from the papyrus plant. Early as 3000 BC, sheets and rolls of papyrus provided a writing surface ideal for copying text by using reeds dipped in pigments based on (...) Nombre de pages : 132
Format : 16 x 23 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-31-9
20.00 €
E-book : Speech defects E-book : Speech defects   This book seeks to define the history of forms of speech that have been judged as abnormal in our culture since the Renaissance.  What are these abnormal ways of speaking? We willingly recognize language pathologies from stuttering to aphasic (...) Nombre de pages : 360
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-81-1
12.99 €
Les tranchefiles Les tranchefiles Jane Greenfield Jenny Hille Le regain d'intérêt pour la reliure a entraîné la publication de nombreux manuels pratiques sur toutes les techniques de base mais non sur certains aspects particuliers de cet art. Par exemple, la confection des tranchefiles, ces broderies (...) Nombre de pages : 88
Format : 16 x 23 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-30-2
17.00 €
A very special relativity A very special relativity Sander Bais The theory of special relativity, initially published by Einstein in 1905, radically changed our understanding of the world.  Familiar notions of space, time, and energy were turned upside down, and the struggle with the unintuitive (...) Nombre de pages : 120
ISBN : 978-2-915418-31-6
29.50 €
E-BOOK : Mountain Bikes : Gaining speed E-BOOK : Mountain Bikes : Gaining speed   Foreword by Julien Absalon, Olympic mountain bike champion, many-time world and French mountain bike champion (Excerpt from the foreword) Training cross-country riders is complex, and requires taking physical, technical, psychological, (...) Nombre de pages : 432
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-76-7
14.99 €