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The new colour tool The new colour tool Robert Chalavoux The author is a professor and an artist. The new colour tool provides simple, yet rigorous, and oftentimes quantitative information. It develops the perception of colour. It may be used: - To situate or recognise a colour by its (...) Nombre de pages : 64
Format : 1 vol. 21/28 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-46-6
27.44 €
Analgesics by acupuncture Analgesics by acupuncture Michel Deydier-Bastide Dr. Francois Pithon (Ophthalmologist) grafted a cornea at the Ferney-Voltaire Ophthalmologic Medical Centre in France on February 27, 1997, following an acupuncture-induced-analgesic given by the author of this book. This book's goal is to (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-47-3
15.24 €
The royal path of the desert The royal path of the desert Frère Étienne Goutagny The author is a prayer at the Notre-Dame of Dombes Abbey. Under the title, Vitae Patrum and of Verba seniorum, the Sentences of the Fathers of the desert have nourished Western Monastic spirituality, especially since the first translation made (...) Nombre de pages : 368
Format : 1 vol. 19/27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-28-2
38.11 €
The economy of effort The economy of effort Jean-Christophe Seznec Formal knowledge of the elements that make up our body (anatomy) is not enough to compel it to reach peak performance when carrying out a physical activity. We must also know how to spare our body, especially when it comes to effort-making. (...) Nombre de pages : 272
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-37-4
22.71 €
Toward the essential Toward the essential Jean Martingay TOWARD THE ESSENTIAL Adolescence is a pivotal age. Finding a language that rings right on the ears of those who are no longer children but not yet adults is one of its challenges. This book was not originally written for adolescents (...) Nombre de pages : 144
Format : 1 vol. 15,5/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-39-8
12.20 €
Symbolisme in The Quart Livre by François Rabelais Symbolisme in The Quart Livre by François Rabelais Marie-Cécile Mouret The Quart Livre (Book 4) celebrates Physis (Nature,) which gives birth to "Beauty and Harmony." It is a chaotic book where symbols mix with fantasies, and recounts the adventures of Panurge and of Pantagruel who go to sea to consult the oracle (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 1 vol. 14/21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-23-7
10.67 €
Vertebral de-torsions Vertebral de-torsions Gérard Monsterleet The vertebral de-torsion is an osteo-biomechanical approach to the spinal column the goal of which is to non-violently correct vertebral displacements. The techniques used are myotensive, similar to manipulations but applied in the opposite (...) Nombre de pages : 144
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-27-5
19.51 €
Aquatic gymnastics Aquatic gymnastics Jean-Michel Lamarque Franck Ostermeyer Preface by Lewis C. Thorne, President of Excel Sports Science, Inc. Foreword by Dr. Denis Laurent, National Sports Institute Doctor, in charge of the French Women's gymnastic team. Jean-Michel Lamarque and Franck Ostermeyer are both sports (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-26-8
13.72 €
Manual of basic typography Manual of basic typography   This is an educational work tool which can be used like a grammar book or dictionary. It is written for all those who are called upon to do DTP in their work but who do not have previous typographical knowledge to keep them from stumbling. (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 16 x 23 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-00-5
20.00 €
Bible bestiary Bible bestiary Jean-Pierre Durand Jean-François Froger Jean-François Froger is an anthropologist and an exegete. Jean-Pierre Durand has a Doctorate in Biology. Why this Bible bestiary? Because of a completely new view on symbolism. In the same way that the Bible recounts how Noah saved all the (...) Nombre de pages : 574
Format : 1 vol. 19/27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-22-0
29.00 €
From muscular perfection to athletic performance From muscular perfection to athletic performance Ph. E. Souchard We must work on our muscles! Why? Do you know what the muscles really do and the reason they become stiff? What measures we can take to correct incorrect posture, when our joints hurt? How we can keep from hurting ourselves when the (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-19-0
19.06 €
The number twelve The number twelve Urbain Marquet It is surprising that the popular tradition does not give us more details on the lives of the twelve apostles. It is without direct inference to such and such an apostle that the author lists twelve gemstones to symbolise the Apostles. Still, (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 1 vol. 12,5/21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-16-9
10.37 €