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Simple sitting zen Simple sitting zen Philippe Coupey With this book, Simple Sitting Zen, Monk Rairyu Philippe Coupey offers us one of the most precious comments ever made regarding Fukanzazengi, “the universal guide to the right path of Zazen.”  This text, written by Master Elhei Dogen in 1227 (...) Nombre de pages : 120
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-72-9
9.99 €
My moon body My moon body Philippe Coupey Throughout the summer of 1981, one year before his death, Zen Master Taisen Deshimaru, the modern-day Bodhidharma, translated and commented on forty-seven Eiheikoroku poems by Master Dogen.  These Chinese-inspired poems mark the brilliant birth (...) Nombre de pages : 240
Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-71-2
9.99 €
Chemins de croix Chemins de croix Michel-Gabriel Mouret « Sache que tous les mystères, toutes les manifestations de ma vérité en ce monde, accompagnées ou non de la présence de ses disciples, sont des figures pour l'âme de mes serviteurs et pour toutes les créatures. Il en est ainsi pour que vous (...) Nombre de pages : 320
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-25-7
20.00 €
Ebook : Reliques et reliquaires Ebook : Reliques et reliquaires   Format : 0 x 0 cm
ISBN : 9782914338608
29.99 €
Sabbath Masters Sabbath Masters Jean-François Froger The Biblical revelation summons God's People to cease all work on the seventh day.  This accounts for the institution of the "Sabbath" by Moses, sacred day where one is to "imitate God," who ceased creating on the seventh day.    The Sabbath (...) Nombre de pages : 176
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-20-2
17.00 €
Relics and reliquaries Relics and reliquaries   For 40 years now, the word "relic" has become a synonym of abuse, of a lie on the part of the Church, or even the symbol of a form of piety based on various types of superstition... Are all relics false and is it best to look at all of them in (...) Nombre de pages : 280
Format : 24 x 29 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-21-9
50.00 €
Speech defects Speech defects   This book seeks to define the history of forms of speech that have been judged as abnormal in our culture since the Renaissance.  What are these abnormal ways of speaking? We willingly recognize language pathologies from stuttering to aphasic (...) Nombre de pages : 360
Format : 14 x 22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-27-9
28.00 €
The art of bath The art of bath   Devoted to the discovery of the senses, The Art of baths proposes recipes for baths, accompanied by musical suggestions, which open a space for relaxation and pleasure; the book's key notions.  From recipes made with flowers and plants, to (...) Nombre de pages : 64
Format : 20 x 20 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-44-2
19.50 €
Arabic writing Arabic writing   This book, abundantly illustrated with examples, very clearly presents the evolution of Arab writing styles, and particularly shines light on the importance of materials used; both media and instruments, as well as the difficulties that needed (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-23-4
25.00 €
Marseille in the Middle Ages Marseille in the Middle Ages   This  collection is like no other: it combines texts, images, thoughts, and objects, all presented by a team of researchers from French and foreign institutes, from Europe to North America, from everywhere where Marseille in the Middle Ages (...) Nombre de pages : 432
Format : 29 x 29 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-35-4
39.00 €
The hidden structure within reality The hidden structure within reality Jean-François Froger Robert Lutz This book is the fruit of nine years of research about the structural links that bond Metaphysics, Physics and Christian Theology together. It highlights the existence of an universal structure. John-Paul II 's Encyclical "Fides et Ratio" (...) Nombre de pages : 280
Format : 14 x 22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-37-8
35.00 €
The language of science The language of science Maurice Crosland From where do scientific terms come? The Language of Science analyzes the development of scientific vocabulary from its origins, linked to daily farming and the need to have a system of measure for commercial trade, up to 17th Century (...) Nombre de pages : 96
Format : 12 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-32-3
9.50 €